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West Midlands Circuit Series, Round 1 Stourport - RR23 Race Report.

Becca Underwood at West Midlands Circuit Series, Round 1, Stourport

1 May 2022

Becca has been off Crit racing as a bit of a change from mountain biking. The shiny new kit has arrived so she decided it needed a good outing at the pointy end of a race so everyone could see it...



Round 1 of the local West Midlands Circuit Series in Stourport was first road race of the season and first race in the new kit! My aim of this race was just to have some fun and try some new tactics out.

The U14 and U16 girls had their own race which is always a lot more exciting and tactics play a huge part. The whistle went, I had a good start, put pressure on the group into the first corner and dropped some of the girls to form a group of 4.

On the 2nd lap , I attacked and had a gap but got caught quickly. Everyone in my group did turns on the front and all did some strong attacks but none of them stuck. The last 5 laps were tactical.

All 4 of us just looking at each other and waiting for an attack. On the last lap we all slowed right down, I was on the front so kept an eye on everyone. We got to the second to last corner about 150m away from the finish and I attacked and put the power down. I led everyone up the hill but in the last 5-10m Mari over took me to take the win.

I’m happy on taking 2nd, I did some good quality attacks and had fun! Next road race will be Nationals at Oulten Park in 2 weeks, and I can’t wait!

Also the kit was super comfy! Massive thank you to everyone who took a part in getting our new kit! Can’t wait to show everyone at Nationals XC R3!


Fantastic result from Becca who clearly enjoyed herself. And the trying of new tactics seemed to work pretty well, too.

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